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Nova Church of Holy Russia

Nova Church of Holy Russia
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Holy Russia - Third Rome

Grace and sanctity on birth.
Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Sacred Russia a priori asserts, that lineal descendants of apostles and sacred from a birth possess hereditary divine grace and the sanctity, transmitted to children with chromosomes of the father and mother.

Speech to clergy of Christian churches.
We call Christian clerics to enter bosom of Nova Church of Sacred Russia. Our Church is Sacred, Cathedral and Apostolic, it can include existing churches all clergy and laymen. To anyone the door at any time is open. Someone can make this step obviously, and someone imperceptibly. We are glad to see all believing people.

Offers on clarification of the divine service literature.
Ahead difficult laborious work which will last so much, how many is required, without haste. While the literature will be updated, church services can be conducted under old texts. Gradually all Nova Church of Sacred Russia will pass on the corrected new initial texts. In due course these books will be transferred to foreign languages and Orthodox Churches, Catholic Church and Protestants can join correct conducting church service.

Gospel of Sacred Russia.
The Gospel of Russ is written on initial Gospel from John, Gospel from Mathew, Gospel from Mark and Gospel from Lukas, and also Gospel from Thomas and to researches of Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev. Didim Judas Thomas has told: The one who finds interpretation of these words, not get death.

Sacred places of Vita of Virgin Maria Vladimirovna.
History of Sacred Virgin of Tsarina Heavenly Maria after the crucifixion of its son Jesus Christ's Sirs has been covered with a gloom of ignorance till now. Today we can tell about last years lives of the Virgin and a place of a burial place of its transitory body.

Sacred places of Vita of Jesus Christ Zlatoust.
Jesus Christ Zlatoust's Vital feat is described in the Gospels and Pontifex Maximus Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev in several works.

False Jerusalem in Israel.
Jesus Christ Zlatoust has come not to Jews, but to Israelis–Kubanits to rescue mankind from sin and death. It also has sacrificed not in a dusty small village on boondocks of Roman Empire and in capital of power – in Tsar Grad – Constantinople. There was this outstanding event in life of human civilization in the beginning of XI century. The truth she one also lives she not in the Israeli Jerusalem. Rather lie and obscurantism!

Heritage of Sacred Russia in Orthodox monuments.
Orthodox canons showed continuous fertile communication of the Sort of Russia from Sacred Constantine Great Flavius, through Sacred Vladimir and Grand Princes Rurikovich. These plots are represented on all ancient frescos of cathedrals of Sacred Russia.

John Baptist's tomb in Damascus.
Mosque Umayyad in Damascus has kept up to now Sacred John Baptist coffin. Inside the main hall of Mosque there is Chapel with body of Sacred. How it could turn out, what inside Mosque Moslems store Christian sacred more than thousand years? And how John Baptist coffin in a Mosque has got?

Creed accepted by Prince Vladimir at christening in X century.
At his comparison with modern variant Nicaea-Constantinople of the Creed leaves, that prince Vladimir yet did not know Virgin Maria, Pontius Pilate and Apostolic Church.

Russian church for Russian people.
For last centuries in Russia concepts « to be Russian » and Sacred Russia promptly collapse for the internal and external reasons. In result the paradigm of sanctity and divine selected Russian ground became the ordinary slogan which has lost sacral sense.

Spas Not man-made – Cub Russ – Russian God
Spas Not man-made there is an ideal form of definition Cub of Russ or the God of Russ in consciousness of the person, therefore Spas Not man-made ideal embodiment of the Russian God.

Modern truly Cub of Russ
In the Gospel from Thomas it is told literally: « 13 Pupils have told to Jesus: we know that you will leave from us. Who what will be big above us? Jesus has told him: In that place where you came, you will go to Jacob [Cub] fair because of which, there was sky and the ground » 19.11.2011.

John Chrysostom liturgy of Nova Church of Sacred Russia
For fulfillment of divine service on canons of Nova Church of Sacred Russia we recommend to use present texts of Divine Liturgy of Sacred John Chrysostom, edited by Pontifex Maximus.

Rock of Cub, Qubbat as-Sahra or Solomon Temple
Solomon Temple precisely corresponds to sanctuary Qubbat as-Sahra. Nobody damage also did not destroy the second Temple of Israelis, it strictly costs on the place where it have constructed more 1300 years ago – on the Rock of Cub.

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Virgin Maria Vladimirovna, XI century,
Temple of Sacred Sofia, Tsargrad

God Jesus Christ Zlatoust, XI century,
Temple of Sacred Sofia, Tsargrad

Pontifex Maximus, Head of Nova Church of Holy Russia

H.I.H. Grand Prince, Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia - Third Rome, Professor of Academy of Theology of San Andres, Dr. of historical sciences, Dr. of theology, Dr. of religious sciences, Dr. of philosophy and Dr. of arts, Professor and Academician of history of Orthodox Russian Academy Kubarev Valeriy Viktorovich, Russia

Bishops of Nova Church of Holy Russia

Archibishop of Moscow and Sourozh Oleg, Grand Prince of Semigradia and Oltenia, Russia

Metropolitan of New York and USA Count Michael Javchak, USA

Archibishop of Latin America Dr. Ydenir P. Machado, HRH Prince, Brazil, deid 12.02.2017

Archibishop of Brazil Dr. Claudio Marcio Lucena Da Silva, HRH Prince, Brazil

Archibishop of Prague and Czech lands Ioannes, Count, Czech

Archbishop of Abuja Baron Prof. Dr. Joseph Solace Rankin, Nigeria

Bishop Dr. Jeong Carlos Gustavo, Count, Argentina

Bishop Dr. Dirceu Ibaldo Falcao, Count, Brazil

Bishop Dom Adlson Piovezan, Duke, Parana in Brazil

Bishop Dr. Italu Colares de Oliveira, Brazil

Bishop Dr. Carlos Saavedra Bravo, Count, Venezuela

Bishop Devon St. Denis-Richard, Canada

Bishop Professor Dr. Ely Silmar Vidal, Brazil

Bishop Professor Dr. Natanael Costa, Duke, Brazil

Bishop Donetsky Jury Gennadievich Prikotenko, Viscount, Ukraine

Archbishop of Nigeria Prof. Valentine Oforka Nwankwo, Nigeria

Bishop of Gabon Baron Bernardo Saturnin Moutou, Gabon

Bishop Prince Dr. Don José Gomes da Silva Neto, Brazil

Bishop Count Luciano Melo Depes, Brazil

Bishops of friendly Orthodox Churches

Metropolitan and Primate of Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Mexico and All Latin America Dr. Daniel De Jesus Ruiz Flores, Duke, Mexico

Metropolitan and Archbishop AOCC Brendan–Michael Hammacher, Count, USA

Bishop and Founder of Orthodox Christian Church of Argentina Makarrio (Dr. Sergio Oscar Alunni), Argentina

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

News of Holy Russia 11.09.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has published a new monograph, World History, in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of books in Russian and English are available for purchase on the Litres portal. Excerpts from books for free download are published on the resources of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

News of Holy Russia 05.05.2024: Congratulations of Holy Russia on the Light Holiday of Easter. Happy Easter!
The Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, in the days of the biblical Apocalypse, congratulates all Christians on the Bright Holiday of Easter! Humanity is entering the era of the reign of the Antichrist when darkness and evil dominate. The light of the world is the feat of Jesus Christ, who trampled death and darkness. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

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