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A mosaic in the Temple of Sacred Sofia Virgin Maria Vladimirovna, Jesus Christ Zlatoust and John Baptist, Tsargrad, XI century.

We believe that Old and New Testament both all modern divine service and theological literature are impregnated with heresy Jewish Christianities, in conformity with which all Patriarchs of mankind, the Virgin and Jesus Christ ostensibly were Jews and lived in Judea (Palestine). For last centuries this point of view became dominating in Christianity and Orthodoxy.

Though in XVI century – in days of Ivan Terrible Russian Princes remembered a history and the religion. So in Ivan Terrible's correspondence with Kurbsky they named Russia Israel, and Israelis. We shall result the citation from clause Prince Kurbsky and Ivan IV named Sacred Russia Israel, the link: http://kubarev.ru/en/content/259.htm

«What for, tsar, strong in Israel has exterminated, and colonels, granted to you the god for struggle against enemies, to various executions has betrayed, and sacred blood their victorious in Churches divine has spilled, and blood martyr has empurpled church thresholds, and on your well-wishers, the soul for you put, unprecedented from the beginning of the world of a flour, both death, and oppressions has invented, accusing innocent orthodox in changes, and sorcery, and in other bad things and zealously take light in darkness to turn and sweet to name bitter? What were guilty before you and than Christians is your colleagues have angered you? »

In all Russian annals and the divine service literature Russian people spoke about participants of bible events from the first person, told history of religious people of Russia – Israelis. In Volga Bulgarian chronicles and the Bulgarian annals are Bulgarian as named itself Israelis or Kubanites.

However after discharge Rurikovich from authority in Russia and after reforms of Nikon, the Scriptures and the divine service literature have undergone to censorship and essential edit. Words "Jew" have been inserted into texts, place names, dating and free interpretation of events and senses.

Let's result characteristic examples edit and forgeries of annals and sacred tests.

1. STY and the Novgorod first annals younger izvod 6352 [854/852]:

«Се же събысться все: не от своея воля ркоша, но от Божия изволѣнья. Яко и при фараонѣ, цесари егупетьстемь, егда приведоша Моисѣя пред фараона, и ркоша старци фараони: «Сий хощеть смирити область Егупетьску»; якоже и бысть: погыбоша егуптянѣ от Моисѣя, а пѣрвѣе бѣша работающе имъ. Тако и си: пѣрвѣе владѣша, а послѣдѣ самѣми владѣют; якоже и бысть: володѣють бо козары русьстии князи и до днешняго дне.»

«Якоже А 2 при фараонЂ цесари египетьстЂ, егда приведоша МоисЂа Б 3, и рЂша старЂишины фараоня: «сеи хощеть смирити власть Египетьскую» 4; яко и бысть; и 5 погыбоша 8 Египтяне от Моисиа 6, а первЂе бЂша работающе имъ; тако и си 7 пръ†8 владЂша, послЂ же самими владЂша; якоже и бысть 9: владЂют бо Козары 10 князи рускыи 11 и до днешьняго 12 дни.»


« So was and at the Pharaoh, Tsar Egyptian when have led to it Moses and elders of the Pharaoh have told: „ This can humiliate the ground Egyptian ». And happened: Egyptians from Moses were lost, and on them Jews at first worked. As also these: at first dominated, and the ambassador over them dominate; indeed: own Russian Princes to Khazarian and till this day. »

In the majority of translations today in general write: « and all over again there were Jews slaves at them ».

We see that in the original text there are no “slaves” and “Jews”.

2. The Bible, Apostle Paul, the Message to Galatian.

« So, is badly conceiving Galatian! Who has seduced you to not obey true at which before eyes Jesus Christ has been outlined in advance, at you crucifixion? »

Editing of the text in the modern book:

« So, is badly conceiving Galatian! Who has seduced you to not obey true, you at which before eyes Jesus Christ has been outlined in advance, at you as though crucifixion? »

It is obvious, that such forgery of the Bible is not compatible with sanctity and domination of cathedral idea of clergy ostensibly it is better to them to know that was actually.

So the divine service literature is considered created by Jews, is especial Psalms. Jews have managed to inspire orthodox clergy, that they authors of all Psalm as tsars David and Solomon it is Jews.

Actually to us it is proved, that bible tsar David is the compilation of the person made of three historical characters – Emperors of New Rome and tsars of Bulgarian peoples from the Sort of Russ is Bayan, Kubrat and Shambat, living in VI-VII centuries. The basic literary material has been written by the Bayan which has become famous in centuries as the poet – singer of songs and the author. Psalms wrote also Kubrat and Shambat. Then Psalms written tsar Sulabi (VII-VIII wrote centuries), it is Tsar Solomon becoming at Jews, the book Vedas of Russ, the link: http://kubarev.ru/en/content/251.htm

Thus, languages of Psalms were original Bulgarian and Russian. Then they have been transferred to the Greek language. In Khazar Khaganate in VIII-IX centuries Jews have created the sacred books of the Old Testament, including texts of Psalms in the Jewish language.

We count that to us huge work on audit and clarification of all sacred literature, including Psalms, Troparion, Book of hours, Tipicon and other less significant books, from Jewish is necessary heresy.

Books of Shabby and New Precepts are coming clarification. The Old Testament corresponds to antiquated Christianity – to period I-X of centuries. New Testament events occurred from end X century and on the middle of XI century.

Example of such work is the Gospel of Russ copied by Pontifex Maximus and Grand Prince still in 2009, the link: http://kubarev.ru/en/content/241.htm

The sense edit consists in replacement of words "Jews" by "Israelis" or "Kubanites", "synagogue" on "church" or "temple", the Jewish names of Patriarchs to Bulgarian or the Roman names, and place names should be harmonized with true.

Ahead difficult laborious work which will last so much, how many is required, without haste. While the literature will be updated, church services can be conducted under old texts. Gradually all Nova Church of Sacred Russia will pass on the corrected new initial texts. In due course these books will be transferred to foreign languages and Orthodox Churches, Catholic Church and Protestants can join correct conducting church service.

Great Pontifex Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev


News of Holy Russia 12/22/2024: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
Holy Rus', the Nova Church of Holy Rus', the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, the Fund of Princes and the Grand Prince of All Rus', Professor Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, wholeheartedly congratulate Christians, people of good will and supporters of peace throughout the world on the upcoming Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!

News of Holy Russia 11/17/2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and Fund of Princes announce with deep sorrow the sudden death of a member of the Council of Princes, Prince of the Urals Igor Alekseevich Zyatev Rurikovich. Farewell to the Prince of the Urals Zyatev will take place on 11/18/2024.

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

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