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Fund of Princes

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Holy Russia - Third Rome

On May 7, 2009 the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation had been registered Fund of Assistance to the National and Religious Consent of Princes, the reduced name Fund of Princes. Founders of Fund became lineal descendants of the most ancient princely surnames of Russia is Rurikovich’s and Yusupov’s.

Modern Russia is constructed on the basis of the old Russ statehood incorporated Princes of Russia, rules by Slavic and Turkic peoples within Millennia. A cementing basis of the ancient states was religions of Christianity and an Islam. In the recent past Emperors, Hagan, khans and Princes knew, that they are direct relatives each other. They always kept up friendship and respect between tribes and peoples, concluded interpatrimonial marriages, strengthening related attitudes.

Now in a life of Russia and the countries of once huge state is Russian Empire, and before Empire of Horde and ancient Haganates, there have come complex times. Dissociation of peoples and the countries has reached a dangerous limit when ruling elites kindle interstate conflicts set fraternal people against each other provoke wars between Russia and Georgia, Russia and Ukraine. In the Central Asian region intense conditions and complex attitudes between neighbors is kept. Caucasus became the arena of interethnic and religious conflicts undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia. Till now problem Nagorny Karabach is solved, Azerbaijan and Armenia are in a condition of the latent war.

Some more hundred years back basis of the world and prosperity of peoples of Eurasia were relatives, related attitudes of ruling elites. Modern trends, so-called progress, have brought to nothing ancient traditions and customs, have broken thousand-year communications of peoples, have transformed the western values into the poison, poisoning oppress people and breaking ancient foundations. Fashionable tendencies have not led to development of freedom and democracy, but have released animal instincts and the worst parties of a human nature.

Founders of Fund of Princes see the role in strengthening the international cooperation, friendship and trust between peoples of the former USSR and Russian Empire, in association of efforts of descendants of ancient sorts - carriers of divine fire and passions genes, for formation of the civil society responsible for destinies of Russia, the countries CIS, our neighbors and all world.

Simultaneously the Fund will engage in formation of new, modern elite of Russia on the basis of honor, nobleness and advantage, uniting ancient to know both modern state and private elites. The fund will restore aristocracy of Russia, switching Rurikovich’s, Monomaches’s, Genghis-Khan’s, Seid’s and Hashimet’s (descendants of Prophet Mohammed). Successors of ancient sorts will be involved in active public work and the government.

The President of Fund of Princes
Grand Prince Kubarev Valery Viktorovich
August 30, 2009

Dear Friends,

Since 2017 the Fund of Princes is not engaged in economic activities, so it lost its registration in the EGRUL. Currently, the Funf of Princes is a public organization engaged in social and political activities in Russia and around the world.

World History

Rus' History

Religions History

Dear Friends, the long-awaited and sensational book by Professor Valeriy Kubarev, World History, has been published in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of the books in Russian and English are available on the Litres platform using the links above. Free excerpts from the books can be downloaded here.

News of Holy Russia 12/22/2024: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
Holy Rus', the Nova Church of Holy Rus', the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, the Fund of Princes and the Grand Prince of All Rus', Professor Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, wholeheartedly congratulate Christians, people of good will and supporters of peace throughout the world on the upcoming Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!

News of Holy Russia 11/17/2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and Fund of Princes announce with deep sorrow the sudden death of a member of the Council of Princes, Prince of the Urals Igor Alekseevich Zyatev Rurikovich. Farewell to the Prince of the Urals Zyatev will take place on 11/18/2024.

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

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Arms of participants of Fund
Arm of Princes Kubensky-Kubarev’s Arm of Princes Kurbsky’s
Arm of Imperial House of Ruricovich Arm of Princes Glinski’s
Arm of Princes Yusupov’s
©2025, Fund of assistance to the national and religious consent of Princes. All right reserved.
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