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Spas Not man-made – Cub Russ – Russian God

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One of the well-known symbols of Orthodoxy is Spas Not man-made (Image of Edessa). A word Spas it is considered an epithet, appropriated to Jesus Christ. Spas Not man-made began embodiment Orthodox belief of Svyatorus (Sacred Russ) and Princes of Russia. Yaroslavl Princes used the image as the fighting banner. Cross courses and other solemn actions of church and Russian people head images Spas.

Spas Not man-made has the own Russian name – Ubrus. After Stoglavyi (One hundred heads) Cathedral of 1551 and Trident Cathedral of 1545-1564 Russian Orthodox Church under influence of the West and Jewish heresies has made everything to etch from Orthodoxy true sense of sacral subjects, names and ceremonies. Russian seminary students and scientists in XIX century which have found "convincing" interpretation of inconvenient words have especially succeeded in cleaning Orthodoxy.

Let's understand, that such Ubrus and what etymology of word. The word Ubrus under dictionaries of Mr. Dal’ and Mr. Fasmer ostensibly occurs from Church Slav words бръснти, брысати is "to rub" and means plat, scarf and towel. Thus Ubrus name the image of cloth in icon painting and monumental temple painting. Spas on Ubrus it is one of two types icon graffiti Jesus Christ « Spas Not man-made » in which the face of the Savior is represented on background Ubrus is light towel and the second type is «Spas on chrepii» (Spas on tile). Scientists recognize, that sometimes убрусом name image that is word Ubrus synonym of an image. Thus on the Balkans and in Bulgaria Jesus Christ's such images name simply «Christ Ubrus».

Dictionary of Max Fasmer speaks:

« Ubrus it is « female head scarf, towel », Ukrainian Ubrus, other – Russian Ubrus’ "towel" (Vita of Kondrat, XI century; see. Srezn. III, 1117 and sl.), items – glories. Oubrous’ σουδάριον (Sharp), Bulgarian Ubrus « scarf, towel », Serbian Ubrus, Slovenian ubrȗs, Czech ubrus, Slovakian, Poland obrus. First main "утирка", it is formed from u-(see at III) and to. Church-Slav бръснѫти, брысати "to rub"; see. Mr. Berneker I, 90 and sl.; Мi. ЕW 370. »

Thus in all dictionaries, for example, Mr. Ushakov, the word Ubrus has a masculine gender and refers to as scarf, towel.

However words and subjects of plat, scarf and towel have household application and cannot carry initial sense of word Ubrus which in religion personifies an image. We shall understand now, that such word "image, obraz".

The big explanatory dictionary informs, that the word "image, obraz" is appearance, shape; an exterior, appearance. The god has created the person on the image and similarity. Further, an image this alive, evident representation about somebody, arising in imagination, ideas somebody; the form of perception consciousness of the phenomena of the objective validity; a print, reproduction by consciousness of subjects and the phenomena of an external world; religious value – an icon, face.

Dictionary of Max Fasmer asserts:

« The Obraz (image) is Ukrainian Obraz, Belorussian Vobraz, other Russian items – glories, Obraz’ εἰκών, τύπος, μορφή, Bulgarian Obraz (image) " the person, cheek ", Serbian Obraz – the same, Slovenian obràz, sort. Item-áza, Czech and Slovakian, Poland оbrаz " the image, picture; an image; an icon ", Top Luzicky wobraz, Low Luzicky hobraz. From оb-and rаz’, connected by alternation with rězati; see time to cut. From here to form, formed; formation; it agrees by Mr. Unbegaun (RЕS 12, 39), tracing-paper it Bildung "formation" »

Comparison of words Ubrus and a priori speaks an image, that these two words synonyms. The origin of words also has one nature and bears one value which became practically lost because of religious experiments Cathedral when the opinion of the majority substituted itself true.

"Ubrus" and "Obraz" (image) occur from an ancient word of Russian Kubrus or Cub Russ. Expression of Cub Russ means literally in modern Russian is Russian Cub or the Russian God. The full form of word "Ubrus" is visible in kept up to сих words of Luzicky’s Russian is "wobraz" and "hobraz" where the first syllable was transformed from primary "cub" in « wob, hob ». For example, at German neighbors of Russian this syllable sounds as "hub" or "cub".

Thus, initial Old Russian word Kubrus means face of the God, similarity of the God appearance of the God and from the religious and philosophical point of view it is the ideal form of reflection of subjects and the phenomena of material world in consciousness of the person (dictionary of Mr. Ozhegov). Therefore from primary divine concept Kubrus there were words Ubrus and an image, being synonyms.

Hence, Spas Not man-made in language of Russia means literally Cub Russian or the God of Russia. The received conclusion is not surprising, in fact Jesus Christ Zlatoust just and is the Russian God and never was the Jew, but was born in family of Princes of Russia, leaders the family tree from the Father Heavenly Kubar. Even grandfather Jesus, is Sacred Vladimir carried Russian-Bulgarian name Hin Kubar or the Red Sun (Krasnoe Solnyshko). In fact word Kubar literally means on Russian-Bulgarian language is "Kub" it the God, "Ar" it head that is the Head of God. Kubar admitted ancient the God Sun, therefore the God Sun and the God Father for them were synonyms.

Let's remind, that people of the Sort of Russia on the modern scientific data is ethnic Ugric. Ivan Terrible repeatedly wrote and spoke, that it ancient Ugric. Therefore Jesus Christ Zlatoust on birth is Ugric and as it is exact similarity, image of the Father Heavenly genetically God Father concerns to Ugrian Russ.

Let's address to the Bible, the Old Testament, the book life, line 27:

« The God of the person on the image (obraz) Himself has created, on image (obraz) of God has created it »

Literally this phrase right at the beginning of the Scripts in language of Russia and the God – Father sounds as:

« The God of the person on the Kubrus Himself has created, on Kubrus of God has created it »

Therefore the ideal form of definition of the Father of the Heavenly person in consciousness are words Kubrus, Ubrus, an Obraz (image).

Spas Not man-made there is an ideal form of definition Cub of Russ or the God of Russ in consciousness of the person, therefore Spas Not man-made ideal embodiment of the Russian God.

Word Kubrus as the embodiment of the God was kept in the place name of Cyprus and Turks simply speak Kubrus.

Let's look, in what sacral subjects and words of Orthodoxy the image of the Father Heavenly was kept. Such things are widely known – cupa (font), cupola (dome) and cup.

The font is big cup vessel. Serves for carrying out of sacrament is of Baptized in Christianity. The font can be executed from various materials and plays the important role in creation of internal furniture of a church premise. Quite often the font is a work of art. In Latin language the font sounds as cupa. Scandinavian peoples name font like cuppa. The word a font is formed from primary word of Cub. Actually the person in font joins the God, is to Cub.

The font overturned in space turns to cupola (dome). Cupola is dome (Italian cupola is dome, the arch, from Latin is cupula, diminutive from cupa – flank) it is a spatial bearing design of a covering, under the form close to hemisphere or other surface of rotation of curve (an ellipse, parabola, etc.). The history of domes began during prehistoric times, but complex and big domes began to create during Roman Empire at construction of temples.

On the river Kubra in Russia, is Pereyaslavl princedom of Russia, whence there is Virgin Maria Vladimirovna, Jesus Christ Zlatoust and John Baptist (Jesus and John were it is pure conception on this place) there is the Sacred source, named the Zolotaya Chasha (Золотая Чаша), that in English sounds as Gold Cup (Gold Cub).

Therefore in font and under dome the believing person communicates good luck, the Father Heavenly. Use cup for drink also is sacral action. As we have already shown, the ideal form of reflection of the Father Heavenly person in consciousness is words of Cub Russ, Ubrus, Obraz (an image), that priori proves Russian an origin of the terrestrial Son of the Father Heavenly is Jesus Christ Zlatoust.

For flock of Nova Church of Sacred Russia our divine revelations and reasoning strengthen belief in selected Orthodox Russian people and Sacred Russia in business of construction of New Russia and Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth it is the Third Rome.

Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus,

Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev


Illustrations to article.

Traditional shape of Spas Not man-made – Ubrus – Cub of Russ – Russian God.

Ubrus by Simon Ushakov, 1658.

Image of Christ on Ubrus, the Bulgarian icon XIII century.

Christ Ubrus, Boyanska church, Bulgaria, 1259.

Interior of Uspensky cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, on the right side Christ Ubrus.

Interior of Voznesensky Pechersky monastery, Nizhny Novgorod.

The West-European font (cupa) as pool.

Orthodox metal font (cupa).

Font (cupa) at Lenzen, Brandenburg.

Dome (cupola) of the Arkhangelsk cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Dome (cupola) of Smolensk cathedral of Novodevichy monastery in Moscow.

Ancient frescos in temples of Russia in Moscow, Vladimir, etc., created up to One hundred head Cathedral of 1551. On them are represented Cub of Russ – God– Father and the God–Son in a frame of cube cubed or cubes in nimbus around of head.

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