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Dear Sirs,

Fund ANRC of Princes, further Fund, offers you the opportunities on investment of various projects. The sizes of investments are from 5 million US dollars and are higher. The large sums are broken into trenches in the size on 50-100 million US dollars. Investments are possible in any directions of economic and financial activity.
The fund possesses mortgaging maintenance of credit resources and does not give out directly monetary credits, and disposes as the financial agent of the involved means in interests of investors and owners of investment projects.
For reception of crediting from financial institutions of Russia and foreign countries under investment projects, programs and private operations it is necessary to have the following components: a subject of crediting (the investment project, trading or financial operations) and mortgaging (guarantee) maintenance of the demand line of credit. The fund gives clients and partners only mortgaging maintenance.
Mortgaging maintenance is submitted by two kinds of annual bank tools: the European bonds (bonds) and bank drafts (checks). Tools are issued for the period of one calendar year with the right of renewal of a guarantee line. Granting mortgaging maintenance within 5-10 years under long-term investment projects is possible. The given financial tools are the means of the postponed payment distributed in all civilized world.
1. The European bonds are issued by the largest German private and state banks in euro. The exchange mortgaging maintenance occurs through system Euro clear. After carrying out of exploratory talk before the conclusion of the prime contract the Fund through the partners under investments does the bank notice (pre-advise) about readiness to give mortgaging maintenance (euro bonds) for the stipulated sum to address of the authorized bank (bank of the creditor) for the benefit of the direct creditor (bank, fund, the financial company or the private person). After bank verification of the preliminary notice the prime contract consists within the framework of which Fund gives mortgaging maintenance to the creditor of the investment project on bank communication within the framework of system Euro clear direct translation on Swift МТ103. Eurobonds given in a pledge are free from obligations, however on reception by their creditor they become the burdened obligations of the made agreement and cannot be showed for payment before a termination date of the contract (year). Official discount on used German euro bonds makes not less than 92-93 %%.
After reception by the creditor of euro bonds under the contract in the order and full bank verification of these, credit money resources are translated by the creditor in Fund or on the account of the partner investment company, whence they are distributed within the framework of investment agreements. The official commission on attraction of free credit resources makes 2 % from the sum of crediting which is paid to Fund and the partner on a presence of free proceeds of credit in equal parts. On reception of credit resources the Fund directs to the investment project of 10 % from the sum of the credit. In process of realization of the investment project or the contract the general the sum of investments of Fund cannot exceed 30 % of credit resources. The balance of money resources remains at the order of Fund and his partners under investments for maintenance of availability of the transaction and insurance of risks of the investment project. On the termination of year the investment contract or is prolonged with release of new maintenance – new euro bonds, or means come back to the creditor in full, or mortgaging maintenance is showed by the creditor for payment.
2. The bank draft (check) is issued by the largest world banks (HSNC, Deutsche bank and the British banks) in euro or in US dollars on behalf of dear financial companies, insurance structures and pension funds – co-investors Fund. The exchange mortgaging maintenance as a bank draft occurs through system bank-to-bank. After carrying out of exploratory talk before the conclusion of the prime contract the Fund through the partners under investments does the bank notice (pre-advise) about readiness to give mortgaging maintenance (a bank draft) for the stipulated sum to address of the authorized bank (bank of the creditor) for the benefit of the direct creditor (bank, fund, the financial company or the private person). After bank verification of the preliminary notice the prime contract consists within the framework of which co-investors Fund sends mortgaging maintenance (a bank draft) to the creditor of the investment project by bank mail. The draft (check) is checked and proves to be true duly an Inter bank exchange on Swift. The bank draft given in a pledge is means of the deferred payment and can leave with a maturity date – in one calendar year after release. The creditor legally receives payment of the credit contract directly in day of reception of the check however the check can be showed for payment not earlier than year after his release. Official discount on bank drafts makes not less than 95-97 %%.
After reception by the creditor of a bank draft under the contract in the order and full bank verification of these credit money resources are translated in Fund or on the account of the partner investment company, whence they are distributed within the framework of investment agreements. The official commission on attraction of free credit resources makes 2 % from the sum of crediting which is paid to Fund and the partner on attraction of free proceeds of credit in equal parts. On reception of credit resources the Fund directs to the investment project of 10 % from the sum of the credit. In process of realization of the investment project or the contract the general the sum of investments of Fund cannot exceed 30 % of credit resources. The balance of money resources remains at the order of Fund and his partners under investments for maintenance of availability of the transaction and insurance of risks of the investment project. On the termination of year the investment contract or is prolonged with release of new maintenance – a new bank draft, or means in full come back to the creditor, or mortgaging maintenance is showed by the creditor for payment.

Thus, Fund and it co-investors have opportunities on attraction of investments for the sums of billions US dollars annually. The offered way of investment of projects is actually the mechanism of start of large investment projects in Russia, the countries CIS and worldwide. Preferences in financing it will be given by Fund to projects in the countries of the former USSR.

With all offers and questions the request to address in Fund of Princes by E-mail: fundprinces@rambler.ru.

Yours faithfully and hope for mutually advantageous cooperation,

The President of Fund of Princes Kubarev Valeriy Viktorovich

On February 8, 2010

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Arm of Princes Kubensky-Kubarev’s Arm of Princes Kurbsky’s
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