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Startup the Sky-Cube

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Startup the Sky-Cube

Project Sky-Cube assumes creation of essentially new alternative kind of solar power station.

The essence of idea consists in photo-electric transformation of a solar energy onboard the high-altitude aerostatic flying device with an environment of rigid or semi fixed type on the basis of fine-pellicle solar cells (FPSC). The station is placed and maintained in stratosphere at height of 12-15 km.

At illumination by the direct and reflected sunlight FPSC develop energy, transferred by the SHF – antenna in the electromagnetic waves transmitted on rectenna and through the inverter to ground consumers.

In stratosphere due to direct and reflected the component can surpass intensity of solar radiation nominal in 1.8 times. In moderate is breadth up to 1.5 times. Temperature of air in stratosphere is makes about – 60ºС that leads to increase in efficiency of FPSC in 2 times. In kind of absence of clouds the operating time of station is equal to light day, also there is no moisture and dust that does use FPSC comfortable.

Therefore efficiency of Stratospheric Solar Power Station (SSPS) in 10 times exceeds ground samples.

Electric power SSPS goes to the Earth bunch of SHF, providing effective factor of transfers of energy more than 90 %.

Project Sky-Cube is the most non-polluting variant of solar power station.

Initial project of SSPS has been patented by the author in 1988, the copyright certificate of the USSR No. 1452030. On the project is present the positive conclusions of experts of the beginning of 1990th. The author and project of SSPS have won tender of AS of the USSR for 1988. However at that time resembling conditions for technical realization of idea have not been created yet.

Now cost FPSC on kapton substrate can make 20 – 50 dollars for sq. meter. The guiding price of one block SSES in diameter of 200 meters on the basis of the British project of high-altitude dirigible balloon Skyship, capacity of 10 МW will not exceed 10 million dollars. Hence, specific cost of the electric power will not exceed 1000 dollars/KW. At mass production of stations of project Sky-Cube it is possible to provide specific cost of the non-polluting electric power in range of 300-500 dollars/KW.

Useful loading of dirigible balloon SSPS are FPSC and the SHF – antenna, designs making part that provides an opportunity of achievement of the greater height of operation.

Abroad projects of the high-altitude dirigible balloons covered with solar batteries, for example development of company Lockheed Martin HALE-D is actively studied.





Above projects of transport dirigible balloons the Academician of the Russian Academy of Science A.D. Nikipelov works. These offers were considered already by Security Council of the Russian Federation.

For realization Startup Sky-Cube and manufacturing of first samples SSPS is required allocation of 500 million dollars. The further development of the project will occur independently in process of realization of stations in the internal and external markets.

Project Sky-Cube will allow creating in the Russian Federation new branches of manufacture of modern products and technologies, including effective and accessible FPSC, systems of SHF transfer and high-altitude dirigible balloons.

Prof. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev


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