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News of Sacred Russia 21.09.2012: Reference of Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev to the Maximum forces Heavenly, people and world.

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In Day of Nativity of Virgin Maria Vladimirovna and day of celebrating of the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood in Novgorod, Grand Prince of All Russia to Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev had to make the uneasy decision and to declare the Armageddon.

More than two years the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and Fund of Princes tried touch up to the Russian authority and the country leaders – the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev and also up to Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and its head – Patriarch Cyril.

We offered authorities projects of the various program of celebrating of the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood connected to anniversary of a calling of prince Rjurika from a sort of Russ on reigning in 862 of Novgorod citizenships. All our offers have been rejected.

We asked ROC to canonize Orthodox Holy Prince Rurik, who was the first Christened monarch of Russia. Under annals of it christened in Itil city in 860 by Equal Apostles Sacred Cyril and Methodius is cousins of Rurik. About this event speaks Coat of arms of Rurik which has reached up to now – a falcon with cross above head. This falcon became an official symbol of present celebration in Novgorod. We also addressed to Patriarch Cyril with other important offers. All our requests and ideas have been rejected. Patriarchy ROC has pretend, that in the modern world there are no lineal descendants and successors Rurik and Princes of Russia.

Actually ROC has given up in the right to a life sacred by the right of birth, lineal descendants Equal Apostles Sacred, Sacred and Flatterers of the Sort of Russ and Russian people. Our ancestors is Equal Apostles Sacred Prince Vladimir and Princess Olga, Sacred Princes Alexander Nevsky, Feodor Chermny, David both other outstanding founders and builders of the Russian statehood and Orthodox church are good for ROC only that are dead also them it is possible to use for deceit flocks. ROC has rejected idea that Orthodoxy this alive Christianity going from ever living Sacred Russ is Princes of Russia.

We have been compelled to create own church is Nova Church of Holy Russia and to be open for dialogue with traditional religions. On it ROC has pretend that occurs nothing. We have opened ancient secrets and secrets of Orthodoxy, have specified errors and obscurantism of existing church, the works and researches tried to revive ancient belief of Russia for the good of Russia and Russian people. Our efforts have been ignored and latent from the Christian public. Practically all ancient temples, churches, monasteries and subjects of Orthodox culture are created by our ancestors for own means – ROC has grasped and privatized the property of Princes of Russia.

Ancient Kremlins, fortresses and Yams of Rurikovich are reserved with the Russian state, using military and economic achievements of Princes of Russia for strengthening the authority and influence. All our requests for transfers of property of Rurikovich to using and management of descendants of Princes of Russia have been rejected by authority and church.

These days in the Novgorod area the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood is celebrated. On September 21, 2012 in the Sofia Temple the solemn liturgy and religious procession will pass. The huge stone from Prince Mountain (Shum-gora) in the basis of a monument of the Russian statehood will be incorporated. In the Novgorod area will pass numerous solemn actions, exhibitions, concerts and historical installations.

On September 21 the management of Russia will arrive to Novgorod for participation in celebrations - the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and Chairman of Government D.A. Medvedev.

Representatives of the Novgorod area have invited Princes of Russia to take part in a holiday on September 20-22, 2012 and to prepare Award addresses to heads of local authorities of the Novgorod region – the Chapter of administration Batetsky area to Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich and acting as the governor of the Novgorod area to Mitin Sergey Gerasimovichu. Officials of the Novgorod area have brought in the real big contribution to preparation and carrying out of the celebrations connected to the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood. Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has prepared Award Diplomas to Mitin Sergey Gerasimovich and Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich. However to hand over Diplomas to winners it is not obviously possible.

On September 17, 2012 Princes of Russia have informed, that in connection with presence on a holiday of the maximum persons of the state their participation in a holiday became impossible. Descendants of Rurik and Princes of Russ it is trivial have slammed a door before a nose. To local authorities of the Novgorod area the Kremlin gang has specified their place – at legs of the owner it is more pleasant to them to fly with cranes, than is in one premise with Princes of Russia.

In parallel these events, Fund of Princes and Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich have addressed on August 13, 2012 in the State Kremlin Palace with the request to lead solemn ball the Star of Russ in the beginning of December 2012 in honor of the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood. On ball it was supposed to collect representatives of world elite, descendants of Princes of Russia, representatives of the western aristocracy and visitors – citizens of Russia and foreign countries who will want to get special tickets is all about 1500 person. Action it was assumed to lead strictly on donations of sponsors without attraction of the state resources. In result the Star of Russ was possible to coordinate to a management of the Kremlin Palace for December 6, 2012 date of carrying out of ball. However the management of the Palace has asked to meet with approval on carrying out of action from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. For what to it on August 22, 2012 directly the missive has been directed to expedition of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation on the Staraya Square. V.V. Putin has ignored the request of Princes of Russia, and also representatives of families Rockefeller, Trump, Rothschild, Chaplin, Windsor, Habsburg, Tudor, Cantrell, Rurikovich, etc.

For reliability we also have sent the application for carrying out of ball the Star of Russ in Gostiny Dvor in the company Shater LLC. Private at first sight the organization conducting daily exhibitions and solemn actions in Gostiny Dvor, on a command of the Kremlin administration has ignored our commercial project.

On set of events we have felt full animosities, timely even hatred and total aversion as the Kremlin authority and ROC successors of glory and greatness of Sacred Russia. We came into impasse from which there is no peace output. Authority and ROC are not going to compromises, to restore historical validity and to take into account the fact of existence of descendants of Princes of Russia. Actually Kremlin clan and ROC have sided with forces of evil and injustice, using the most powerful potential of an administrative resource, money and influences. Princes of Russia can oppose this force of terrestrial evil only authority of spirit, the help of the Maximum forces and Heavenly troops. We hope that the stone pawned today from Prince Mountain (Shum-gora) becomes sepulchral for authority of swindlers and thieves.

On the basis of these reasons and events Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has made the uneasy decision. It has published the Decree No. 40 from 21.09.2012 with the Reference to the Maximum forces, people and the world. The essence of the Reference consists in imposing a damnation of the Kremlin authority, the legend to anathema ROC and an appeal to the Virgin to begin the Apocalypse.

This is text of the Decree No. 40 from 21.09.2012.



Reference to the Maximum forces, people and world

Will of God and my command, with the purpose of development of idea of monarchic statehood of Russia, in the name of the peace and prosperity of Russia, in the name of clarification of Orthodoxy and Christianity from heresy and obscurantism:

1. I call the Maximum forces Heavenly to impose damnation on the Kremlin authority of Putin’s gangs, on their families and possession, on them assistants and tyrants on all ground Russian, on the mad and ignorant herd multiplying and supporting forces of evil in Russia.

2. I betray to the Anathema Russian Orthodox Church as a source of evil, obscurantism and desecration of Holy Russia and our Lord Jesus Christ Zlatoust and Holy Pure Virgin Maria Vladimirovna and children on the Earth there is Princes of Russ. There will be an Anathema! There will be an Anathema! There will be an Anathema!

3. My God, Holy Pure Tsarina Heavenly, Virgin Maria Vladimirovna,
I call You to restore in Day of your Nativity of the Theotokos the trembled validity and to make punishment. I pray You to establish above the Earth the Cover of a revenge and a penalty to sinners. I ask You to direct to the Earth Seven Angels heavenly that blew they in trumpets of fury Lord and have spilled they to the Earth seven cups of anger of God. Everything will come to pass, that is outlined in advance. Will be so in the name of the Father and the Son and Sacred Spirit!

4. The Decree inures from the moment of signing.

Grand Prince of All Russia
Pontifex Maximus
Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev
Grand Kubensky

September 21, 2012
No. 40

Copy of the Decree No. 40 from 21.09.2012:

Copy of Diplomas from the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Mitin Sergey Gerasimovich and Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich accordingly:

P.S. Putin was frightened

On September 21 Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev and Patriarch Cyril were frightened outright. They have run up from damnation of Rurikovich and Anathema to ROC, imposed with Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev for treachery of Russia and Russian people (the reference: http://www.fundprinces.ru/en/content/233.htm). The president of the Russian Federation, Prime-minister and Patriarch ROC have shown, that they have no attitude to Russian statehood and Orthodoxy of Russia, incorporated 1150 years ago by Prince Rurik and his descendants, founders of Russia – Equal Apostles Sacred Prince Vladimir, Jaroslav Mudry, Sacred Alexander Nevsky and others Princes of Russia.

The President and Prime-minister have not arrived to Great Novgorod on September 21-22 on celebrating of the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood though trip has been posted still one year ago and D. Medvedev has signed the Decree No. 272 from 3.03.2011 about such state holiday. Some tens billions rubles have been spent for the organization of celebrations, but the maximum persons of the state have hidden for anger Rurikovich in Sochi, having spat on the state duties.

Patriarch Cyril so was frightened of the Anathema that has escaped to Vladivostok from penalty Heavenly. He has sent only a letter of congratulations to Novgorod. It so is lovely – instead of the planned carrying out of a solemn liturgy in the Sofia temple of the Novgorod Kremlin constructed by Princes of Russia it has sent a congratulatory card.


We also have prepared for the top management of Russia usurping authority in Russian country a special card:

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