The FAC of the Moscow district has considered the cassation of Fund of Princes under the claim for the term less right of use of the Moscow Kremlin and has left decisions of the previous instances without changes. Now Princes Ruricovich with pure heart declare to the Kremlin gang – Have gone out from Kremlin! We shall achieve clearing of our family relics of usurpers political methods. At session the judiciary board has found out, that within the framework of process petitions of the claimant about get proofs, namely passports of objects of the real estate from BTE have not been satisfied. The given documents are necessary for finding-out of the exact name and cadastral numbers of objects, that in turn it is necessary for specification and a concrete definition of a subject of the claim. However the court of the first instance of the requirement of the claimant has not executed though has satisfied petitions. Documents from BTE, except for the letter with refusal, in business are not submitted and were not investigated. Thus, the court had been found out the decision on a question connected with the real estate without identification, an exact establishment of an accessory and names of this real estate. In appeal instance the claimant repeatedly declared petitions about get proofs, and with court have been satisfied. However documents BTE and has not given. Not granting of the given documents as it was already spoken, has broken rights of the claimant, and except for it has led to removal by courts of judicial certificates concerning real estate without due research and studying of a question. By court of the first instance also it has been specified, that transfer of the Moscow Kremlin to term less using to the claimant being the noncommercial organization, does not correspond to a mode of protection and use of the Moscow Kremlin being a president residence of the Russian Federation. Thus the court has referred to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from January 31, 1992 No. 82 About an official president residence of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from August 7, 2004 No. 1013 Questions of the Federal protection service of the Russian Federation. However the given Decrees do not contain any interdictions on accommodation in the Kremlin other organizations which are not concerning to the President of the Russian Federation, to Managements of the President of the Russian Federation, FSS, or to other state bodies. Moreover, in the Kremlin the organizations which are not having such attitude are now placed. And accordingly listed certificates are put in motivation of refusal under the claim not legally. However the court of appeal instance considered such motivation of the Decision lawful that, in opinion of the claimant, is not correct application of norms of the right. However to expect for impartiality of court of cassation instance it was not necessary, as bias and political underlying reason in the decision of the given affair was obvious. The court has refused to direct business on repeated consideration to court of the first instance and has left the decision and the decision of courts of the previous instances without changes. Claimants are going to direct business to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and then in the European court under human rights. Now Princes Ruricovich with pure heart declare to the Kremlin gang – Have gone out from Kremlin! We shall achieve clearing of our family relics of usurpers political methods.