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The program Cubes of the Universe. Reconstruction of Russia and the World.

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To viewing sensational television films from the volumetric project under the name Reconstruction of a history of Russia and the World or Cubes of the Universe are offered you. The main character – Grand Prince of the Sovereign August House Rurikovich Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev. It is Grand Kubensky Rurikovich. In film participate is Primary Spirit, the Universe, Gods, Emperors, Tsars, Hagan’s, Princes, peoples and simple persons.

For viewing films it is necessary to have player Adobe Flash Player on computer.

From the first staff of film you get in the fantastic reality as though created by writers of this genre. Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev on richly illustrated with photos, mosaics, pictures and ancient cards a material, tells to spectators about the vision of occurrence and development of a terrestrial civilization.

Valeriy Kubarev informs us on visiting the Earth during age-old times certain Cuba to the Universe from which has gone there is the Earth Russian. Then from the Earth Russian have gone there are all other peoples.

In historical digression Valeriy Kubarev opens completely amazing facts and results irresistible arguments which prove a continuity of a Universal natural magic line: the Cube – Ra from the Universe – God–Father – Rurik – Jesus Christ – the Sort of Princes Kubarev’s …

Creating the new revolutionary History of the World, it tells about the ancestors: Tarh, Zeus, Kubrat, Genghis Khan, Confucius, Prophetic Oleg... Emphasizes the relationship with ancient Atlantis, Da'Aries, Schumer’s, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans...and proud Samurais, Aztecs, Incas...

For certain, these very scandalous and disputable applications will cause aversion of one and enthusiastic support of others.

For viewing films it is enough to click with mousy under references resulted below.

1. We suggest you to look the first film: Origin of a life on the Earth. The antediluvian period.

1.1. Origin of a life on the Earth. The antediluvian period. A part 1.

1.2. Origin of a life on the Earth. The antediluvian period. A part 2.

1.3. Origin of a life on the Earth. The antediluvian period. A part 3.

1.4. Origin of a life on the Earth. The antediluvian period. A part 4.

2. We suggest you to look the second film: Revival of Mankind after the Flood.

2.1. Revival of Mankind after the Flood. A part 1.

2.2. Revival of Mankind after the Flood. A part 2.

2.3. Revival of Mankind after the Flood. A part 3.

3. We suggest you to look the third film: Egypt. Rome. Byzantium.

3.1. Egypt. Rome. Byzantium. A part 1.

3.2. Egypt. Rome. Byzantium. A part 2.

3.3. Egypt. Rome. Byzantium. A part 3.

3.4. Egypt. Rome. Byzantium. A part 4.

3.5. Egypt. Rome. Byzantium. A part 5.

4. We suggest you to look the fourth film: Sacred Russia. A matrix of the Civilization.

4.1. Sacred Russia. A matrix of the Civilization. A part 1.

4.2. Sacred Russia. A matrix of the Civilization. A part 2.

4.3. Sacred Russia. A matrix of the Civilization. A part 3.

4.4. Sacred Russia. A matrix of the Civilization. A part 4.

4.5. Sacred Russia. A matrix of the Civilization. A part 5.


News of Holy Russia 05.05.2024: Congratulations of Holy Russia on the Light Holiday of Easter. Happy Easter!
The Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, in the days of the biblical Apocalypse, congratulates all Christians on the Bright Holiday of Easter! Humanity is entering the era of the reign of the Antichrist when darkness and evil dominate. The light of the world is the feat of Jesus Christ, who trampled death and darkness. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

News of Holy Russia 11.04.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev granted the Title Baron of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich on Knight Christian Francois Balfroid. Viscount Masaru Kamitani was appointed Ambassador of Culture of Holy Russia and the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Japan.

News of Holy Russia 22.12.2023: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!
Holy Russia, Nova Church of Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, Fund of Princes and Grand Prince of All Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev from the bottom of the heart congratulate Christians and all citizens Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!

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