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News of Sacred Russ 04.09.2010: results of the genetic test of Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev

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Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Grand Kubensky Rurikovich, Great Seneschal the Severing August House Rurikovich and the President of Fund of Princes investigated the DNA for an accessory to dynasty Monomakh-Rurikovich.

Results of testing DNA have confirmed full conformity of genes of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev to Sort Monomakh of Sacred Russia. Analysis of DNA has shown that Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev is the purest in the genetic plan the descendant of Princes of Sacred Russ as values of basic his markers DNA have not undergone to mutations what meet at his brothers and sisters, cousins and cosines of Sort Monomakh of Sacred Russia.

We congratulate Russian people and patrimonial aristocracy of Russia on reception of incontestable proofs of genetic cleanliness of our Grand Prince of Sacred Russia. The received results are the present miracle showing an opportunity of a survival and rescue of Princes of Sacred Russia, despite of Ivan Terrible, Romanov's reprisals and Bolsheviks.

As Victor Tsoy in one of the songs sings:

« Show me the one who has survived one of a shelf, in fact someone should become a door, and someone the lock, and someone a key from the lock »

The key is found!


Results of research and analysis DNA of Grand Prince of All Russia of Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Grand Kubensky Rurikovich.

Haplogroup N1c1

Y-SNP Test LLY22G +, M178 +

Locus (DYS) Allele

DYS389I: 14
DYS389II: 30
DYS390: 23
DYS456: 14
DYS19: 14
DYS385a: 11
DYS385b: 13
DYS458: 16
DYS437: 14
DYS438: 10
DYS448: 19
GATA-H4: 12
DYS391: 11
DYS392: 14
DYS393: 14
DYS439: 10
DYS635: 22

Researches DNA are executed by company Gentis.
The link:
Open Company Gentis, 117186, Russia, Moscow, street Nagornaya, h.15, app. 8
INN 7727697676 KPP 772701001 Account № 40702810838110012924.
The addressee of Open Company Gentis
Bank addressee the Don branch №7813/01638 Savings Banks of Russia Open Society, Moscow
BIK 044525225 Correspondents account № 30101810400000000225


1. WikipediA. Clause Rurikovich, the link:
2. Rurikid Dynasty DNA Project, link:
3. Family Tree Dna, link:

Comparison DNA Rurik, the Monomakh and Kubarev on 17 markers – 16 markers by DNA and 17 marker is the same haplogroup N1c1.

The reference:

14-30-23-14-14-11-13-18-14-10-19-11-11-14-14-10 Z3V3K (Rurik)
14-30-23-14-14-11-13-16-14-10-19-11-11-14-14-10 Kubarev

GATA H4 at Gentis 12, but by techniques FTDNA is 11.

DYS 458 marker at Kubarev should be rechecked, most likely, it is a mistake in a technique of company Gentis.

Conclusion: data DNA at Kubarev are practically identical DNA Rurik – Monomakh.

Below we show result scan copy of the Certificate of company Gentis given to Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev from September 10, 2010.

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