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News of Holy Russia 12.06.2017: Russia Day in Moscow and all country has been marked by actions of opposition against corruption.

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Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has taken part in the meeting of opposition forbidden by authorities against corruption in the Tver Street. The action has passed from 14-00 till 16-00 near to the mayoralty of capital city. The non-authorized action has visited about ten thousand Muscovites and visitors of capital. The resolved meeting on Sakharov’s Prospectus was accepted about two thousand persons. Participants of event have expressed the hostility to total corruption in Russia.

The chronology of events of Russia Day in Moscow was following. Authorities have resolved meeting opposition against corruption led by Alexey Navalny on Sakharov’s Prospectus, however to organizers of meeting refused in installation of stage and the intensifying equipment. As result of sabotage of authorities organizers of meeting have called Muscovites and visitors of capital city to gather in the Tver Street in the center of Moscow.

In the morning Alexey Navalny has been arrested in an entrance of the house. The organizer of meeting has not made still any legal or illegal actions, but polices have already been detained. As it matches the legislation of Russia and the Constitution of the Russian Federation is riddle.

In the place allocated to opposition is Sakharov’s Prospectus at 14-00 have gathered about two thousand participants of the resolved action. A tribune occupied by communists and left the organizations. True oppositional events occurred at this time in the Tver Street near to Pushkin Square and the mayoralty of capital. In this place the Tver Street has been blocked for carrying out of ethnographic festival. Visitors of action passed in zone of carrying out of holiday through frameworks of the metal detectors protected by police.

From 13-00 from the area of the Belarus Station and underground Mayakovskaya aside Pushkin Square the areas moved hundreds and thousand people, decided to take part in the non-authorized meeting opposition against corruption in the Tver Street on background of carrying out of official and boring action.

At 14-00 on Pushkin Square and the Tver Street about frameworks of metal detectors has accumulated thousand and thousand oppositionists. They passed through police cordons inside of celebratory zone. Around thousand policemen and спецназовцев have been placed. Special police continually snatched out from crowd of protesting people, roughly unscrewing those hands and dragging by the ground, causing sufferings and rendering traumas. Than this has been caused Gestapo reaction of the Russian policemen, remains riddle for associates.

Gradually thousand and thousand people have filled in the Tver Street in place of carrying out of holiday. Oppositionists have started to cry out slogans against the Kremlin mode and total corruption in the top echelons of power. In the answer the police have made the decision to squeeze out all participants of celebrating of Russia Day from the Tver Street outside of protection. The police operated, as though she dispersed participants of prison revolt. People have come for holiday and meeting without the weapon, with the Russian flags and good mood. Nobody broke the order and tried to note Day of Russia how it would be desirable them. On the contrary, the police humiliated the Russian citizens, striking blows to them police bats, detaining not consent and dragging them by the ground, as though they not people, and criminals. All crime of oppositionists consist that they opposed the Kremlin corruption and infringement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by authorities and police.

As result of power actions of police all participants of the protest action and visitors of holiday Russia Day have been deduced for limits of zone of official celebrations. The holiday of Day of Russia was total is spoiled. The police have detained more than 400 participants of the action. All of them have been delivered in branches of police across all Moscow.

We believe that in meeting the protest in Moscow has taken part about 10 thousand person in the Tver Street and 2 thousand persons on Sakharov Prospectus.

On eyes at all world and the Moscow police beat mass-media and detained citizens of the Russian Federation whom taxes from which the police contains pay. To people it is not clear, on what bases of authority have arranged pogrom in the Tver Street. Participants of action did not make any infringements of the law and the order. The next rough neglect the Kremlin authority of norms of laws and Constitutions of the Russian Federation is available.

We congratulate all Russians on Russia Day!

Is the photographic report on actions on June 12, 2017 in Moscow in the Tver Street and Sakharov Prospectus. In photos Muscovites and visitors of capital, Alexey Navalny and also Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev (only 22 photos).

Alexey Navalny's arrest.

Empty Sakharov's Prospectus is place of official meeting.

Photo of the Tver Street from the Belarus Station up to metro stantion Mayakovskaya.

Empty official holiday Russia Day on Pushkin Square where the paid animators participate only.

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