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News of Sacred Russia 27.04.2013: Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev has taken part in the next scientific conference on problems of civilization.

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Holy Russia - Third Rome

Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has given the report Empires of cousins of Russ at XXVI International conference on problems of the Civilization which were taken place 26-27.04.2013 in Moscow Russian New University (RosNOU).

At support of Russian New University (RosNOU), Institute of the scientific information on social studies (ISISS of the Russian Academy of Science) and the Central economic-mathematical institute (CEMI of the Russian Academy of Science) have taken place the Fourteenth International scientific conference within the framework of which has passed XXVI International conference on problems of the Civilization.

Fund of Princes many years renders all-round support to the scientific project the Civilization site http://www.newparadigma.ru which activity active participation is accepted by Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev.

This time subject of scientific search of Grand duke became a theme of Empire of cousins of Russ where the author has opened laws of creation of world Empires it come from Russ – Flavius which is Russian branch are Rurikovich.

In the report and clause five world Empires of cousins of Russ (Great), existing in our era on open spaces of Eurasia, with cyclicity of occurrence once in 300 years are described. At the end of research Grand Prince judges that in the beginning of XXI century conditions for creation of the Sixth Empire of cousins of Russ which can be named the Third Rome or Holy Russia have ripened.

The reference to materials of clause of Empire of cousins of Russ:

Is the photographic report on past scientific conference.

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Performance of the Doctor of historical sciences, Grand Prince Kubarev Valeriy of Empire of cousins of Russ:

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Saharov Eugeny's performance Trojan war, as an episode of medieval history:

Anisimov Jury's performance The Big book. Research about code Gigas:

News of Holy Russia 12/22/2024: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
Holy Rus', the Nova Church of Holy Rus', the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, the Fund of Princes and the Grand Prince of All Rus', Professor Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, wholeheartedly congratulate Christians, people of good will and supporters of peace throughout the world on the upcoming Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!

News of Holy Russia 11/17/2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and Fund of Princes announce with deep sorrow the sudden death of a member of the Council of Princes, Prince of the Urals Igor Alekseevich Zyatev Rurikovich. Farewell to the Prince of the Urals Zyatev will take place on 11/18/2024.

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

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