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News of Sacred Russia 31.03.2013: Visit of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev to the Vladimir area, visiting the Yam Gold Cup.

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Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has visited the Vladimir area and has visited on the Sacred Source of the Yam Gold Cup, near to the river Kubra where has found out, that Sacred water left from source.

Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev many years, it is regular (time in one - two month) happens on the Sacred Source ancient the Yam Gold Cup to repay memories to the ancestors Рюриковичам to pray to the God and to type to itself for drink Sacred water from an ancient source. The given trip on March 31, 2013 has coincided with Catholic Easter. Waters in the Sacred Source did not appear.

Yam Gold Cup it is located near to the river Kubra, that near to the city of Pereyaslav-Zalessky. On the river Kubra since VII century there were two ancient cities – fortresses of Finno-Ugrian of Russ. The main fortress referred to Kybar and the auxiliary fortress for protection of the Sacred Source referred to Yam Gold Cup.

The Sacred Source the Gold Cup more than thousand years (it is known more than 5000 years) gave chance to become pregnant to women who suffer bareness. On our representations the Sacred Source the Gold Cup is connected to bible events of wonderful conception of Elizabeth, mother of John Baptist, Immaculate Conception of Virgin Maria Vladimirovna and Pure Birth of the Savior.

Couple of years back on the Sacred Source the Chapel devoted to the Virgin has been constructed. The territory around of source was exposed to intervention of orthodox barbarians which in the name of the good purpose have concreted the ground around of source, and water has started up through long copper pipe. These actions have broken ecological integrity of natural complex and have deprived water of curative properties. In fact ancient peoples of Finno-Ugrian Russ knew, that water cannot be placed in pipe and to twist its current, and furthermore to struggle with underground source, establishing stone or concrete obstacles on way of water.

In result in March 2013 the Sacred Source the Gold Cup has practically disappeared. Water is not typed any more in concrete casemates and does not get in copper pipe, but filters through ground around of source. Such water to collect it is practically impossible, and she is polluted with the ground and dust.

We pray the God that orthodox barbarians who on the illiteracy and obscurantism tried "to improve" the Sacred Source the Gold Cup, did not try to correct the natural order of things. We ask people responsible for this nature sanctuary, religion and culture, to restore ancient wooden cover and to not try to struggle with the mother – nature.

Otherwise we shall observe, how Virgin Maria Vladimirovna to be averted from Russian people that will lead to numerous troubles and sufferings.

Is the photographic report on visiting by Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovichem Kubarev to Vladimir area and Yam Gold Cup.

Photo of motorway is near to the Yam Gold Cup. Around the winter, spring has overlooked about Russ and Russian people:

Track to the Sacred Source the Gold Cup by memorable sign and chapel about source. All under snow, people do not go any more on dried up source:

Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev about the Sacred Source 31.03.2013:

The photo of the Sacred Source, water does not gather any more in concrete casemate, copper pipe without water:

Photo of the Sacred Source the Gold Cup (wooden cover with water) before intervention of orthodox barbarians:

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