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News of Sacred Russia 18.02.2013: Announcement of press conference of Grand Prince Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev.

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The press release
Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev's promotion by the candidate on post of the governor the Moscow area and the governor of the Vladimir area and also presentation of Civil Movement
Great Russia.

Press conference of the President of Fund of Princes is Grand Prince Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev and coordinators of Civil Movement Great Russia will take place in the press–center of news agency Rosbalt on February 27, 2013 at 12-00.

On action it will be declared of V.V. Kubarev promotion as the candidate on posts of the governor of the Moscow area and the governor of the Vladimir area (elections are planned for September 8, 2013). And the presentation of Civil Movement Great Russia, which will render political and organizational support to the V.V. Kubarev and other candidates of Civil Movement, also will take place.

The basic purpose of Civil Movement Great Russia is formation on Russian historical grounds of the Union of subjects of the Russian Federation under the name Great Russia with prospect of creation of the new national subject of the Russian Federation through carrying out of referenda at observance of the constitutional norms of the Russian Federation.

The capital of Great Russia offers to proclaim city Vladimir. Within the framework of the project it is supposed to carry out decentralization executive and legislative branches of authority with transfer of part of capital functions to other ancient cities of Russia – to Yaroslavl, Novgorod, Kostroma, Tver and so forth.

On press conference it is possible to set additional questions to coordinators of Civil Movement Great Russia through e-mail:


News of information agency Rosbalt:


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