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News of Sacred Russia 28.07.2012: Princes of Russ have noted holiday of the Christening of Russia in Moscow on the National march of Freedom Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you!

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Within the framework of celebrating 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood in 2012 Princes of Russ have organized procession and a meeting – concert Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you!

Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev and Prince Yuriy Novikov have acted as applicants and organizers of procession and a meeting – concert Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you!, taken place at 28.07.2012.

In social networks Facebook and In Contact on action have entered the name more than 9000 person. Many Russian figures of opposition have expressed the desire to participate in the action. According to the application sent on the coordination to the Government of Moscow, the purpose of action were the following: To note day of the Christening of Russia and the 1150-anniversary of the Russian statehood, to state from tribunes the attitude to tragically events on Kuban, to state the attitude to restriction of the democratic rights and freedom in Russia, namely freedom of meetings and mass actions, to state the attitude to a situation in sphere of housing and communal services and economy as a whole, to state the attitude to paid formation and juveniles justice, to call citizens for development of political activity and social initiatives.

The primary goal of procession and meeting became display of solidarity with victims of the catastrophic events which have happened in the city of Krimsk at 07.07.2012 in which hundreds people were lost and some tens thousand person have suffered. The second purpose of demonstration became gathering money resources for victims on Kuban. After meeting it was supposed to lead a charitable concert in which variety stars of a Rap and R&B should act.

One week prior to action the Russian oppositional leaders have proposed to boycott demonstration, having called the supporters to not visit the action.

In result demonstration the National march of Freedom Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you! It has been broken by forces of opposition and authority. In it radical oppositionists and working authority have shown unusual solidarity.

On celebrating 28.07.2012 came a little more than 80 person of staff and organizers of the action of their Russian Democratic Council and about 50 people of proof oppositionists. In total in the action have taken part no more than 150 people, instead of declared 9000. Oppositionists protected not less than 5000 employees of police and special troops. Some tens journalists and operators of TV around turned.

Actually is demonstration the National march of Freedom Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you! has collected huge forces of police and journalists.

Despite of boycott of oppositionists and small quantity of people, participants of demonstration with national flags of Russia, Apostle Andrew's flags and White Guards have passed a vigorous march on the Crimean (Krimsky) quay and the Crimean (Krimsky) shaft to a place of carrying out of meeting and a concert. On road they scanned slogans Krimsk, we are with you! and Governor Tkachev in resignation! and Volunteers is good fellows!

At this time to organizers of demonstration of authority have handed over the letter in which have demanded to not carry out a charitable concert of solidarity with victims of elements in Krimsk. The concert and fund raising for the benefit of victims of Krimsk should be cancelled. Variety stars of Russia and organizers of the action were inexpressibly glad to such care of authorities.

Then small political meeting on which some oppositionists have acted has taken place.

On meeting Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev has exacted promise. In the speech it has congratulated the going citizens on the state holiday in the Afternoon of the Christening of Russia. Valeriy Kubarev has told that actually the christening of Russia has taken place in September 867 at Patriarch Photius 122 years prior to “official” date of a christening. Then was christened Kiev Princes Askold and Der with boyars. After that in Constantinople Patriarchies Russian Diocese at number 61 has appeared. Later in 988 Equal Apostles Sacred Prince Vladimir christened inhabitants of Kiev in Dnepr.

Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev has noted, that modern Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has been founded in May 1991 and has rather doubtful attitude to ancient Orthodox Church of Russia though it was typed boldness to declare itself legal successor this. ROC it has been created by priests with communistic, KGB and the army past. Today ROC has impudently grasped and privatized practically all Christian values in Russia.

Chapter of ROC is Patriarch Cyril. In general the institute of the Patriarchy has been entered from the moment of registration ROC in 1991. Actually the Orthodox Church in Russia always was part of Constantinople Patriarchy as Diocese and then was transformed in Metropolitan. Actually and legally ROC should be a part Universal Constantinople Church based still in IV century. There can not be a daughter of senior or equal mother.

Management of ROC, at support of institutes of secular authority in Russia, dictatorship and pressure imposes to the population Christian values. Ancient wisdom that love cannot be ordered is known. Therefore the Russian churches are empty and are in desolation, despite of shine of church hierarchies. Alive Orthodoxy of Russia is not claimed by church and a society. Princes of Russ – alive and good carriers of Sanctity of Russia, lineal descendants Equal Apostles Sacred Prince Vladimir and Princess Olga, Sacred Prince Alexander Nevsky and Prince Feodor Cherny, and also others Sacred and Flatterers, do not find support at ROC and the states. The Russian society pretends that Rurikovich does not exist in the nature.

In the second part of speech Valeriy Kubarev has told to demonstrators that 03.03.2011 President D.A. Medvedev has accepted the Decree about celebrating in 2012 in Russia anniversaries of the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood connected to a calling of Princes of Russia on reigning Novgorodian in 862.

About one year Fund of Princes and House of Rurikovich directed letters to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and bodies of the government, including Administration of the President of Russia with offers on the organization of the solemn actions connected to this date. In result all offers of Rurikovich have been rejected. Authorities have referred to absence of means for carrying out of celebrations. It was offered to us to find private sources of financing.

Has passed 7 months in 2012, but anybody heard nothing about celebrations concerning 1150-years anniversary. Thus, the Russian authority has menacingly ignored own decisions.

Valery Kubarev has noted, that in developed conditions Day of the Christening of Russia and celebrating of the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood are not necessary neither authorities, nor loud opposition, which care only about make money from it PR.

Actually in the Kremlin and bodies of the government засела gangs, seized up to the control above natural and financial resources of Russia. Another gangs from oppositions tries to seize power to replace at fed another, richer and dexterous gangs. Differences between these gangs practically are not present. In anyone accounts Russia and Russian people will continue to plunder or one, or other grouping.

Boycott and active counteraction of authority and opposition to efforts of Princes of Russia to organize procession, meeting and a charitable concert have reached required effect. To congratulate authority and opposition on a victory does not come to mind.

Russia and Russian people has lost.

In any case Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev has thanked going for an active civic stand and participation in demonstration. The responsible minority is capable to change Russia and to set on the right path authority and opposition.

Fund of Princes and Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich count itself and the Muscovites who have supported them winners. We have noted Day of the Christening of Russia and the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood. We are capable to change the World and Russia.

Very soon ignorant majority will feel on itself impacts of elements which in millions times are stronger than the accident which have happened on Kuban and in Krimsk at 07.07.2012. We understand that neither the authority and nor opposition cannot prepare the population of Russia for the future calls. In fact yet will the thunder will not burst, the men will not sign of cross.

The photographic report on demonstration the National march of Freedom Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you!. In pictures Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev and participants of action. In last picture a stage, on which authority did not give to lead charitable concert.

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