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News of Sacred Russia 03.06.2012: Declaration of the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb.

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In day of Holy Trinity and remembrance of Equal Apostles Sacred Emperors Constantine Great and Elena, Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has declared the beginning of the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb.

By orthodox tradition the holiday of the Holy Trinity and Pentecost conterminous to remember day Equal Apostles Sacred Emperors Constantine Great and Elena – direct ancestors of Rurikovich today is marked. The holiday of the Holy Trinity is considered birthday of Orthodox Church. Fund of Princes and Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich from the bottom of the heart congratulate Christians and Russian people on this significant holiday. We wish all of good luck, love, health and prosperity!

According to belief of Nova Church of Sacred Russia and the historical truth the Temple of Sacred Sofia, New Testament artifacts, Golgotha and Empty Tomb are in Constantinople is modern Istanbul. Christian relics and religious constructions are supervised by Moslems and authorities of Turkish Republic. Nova Church of Sacred Russia and all Christians are limited in using the relics.

We believe that there has come time of an enlightenment and restoration of historical validity. The modern world becomes universal, global and uniform.

Today, 03.06.2012 Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Grand Kubensky Rurikovich in the name of celebration of historical validity, world peace, friendship between peoples and religions, clarifications of Christianity from heresy and obscurantism proclaims the beginning of the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb.

The modern Crusade will be carried out by peace and nonviolent methods. We call world community, royal and princely houses, Christian knightly Orders and churches, knights and all Christians to join our movement for clearing of true and Empty Tomb.

Within the framework of the New Crusade we support aspiration of Turkish Republic to become the participant of the European Union and to divide with us values of western civilization, tolerance, freedom and democracy. We call authorities of Turkish Republic to show political wisdom and foresight and to transfer Nova Church of Sacred Russia and all Christians of the world Orthodox religious values and the constructions located in Istanbul and other places of Turkish Republic.

We also consider necessary, within the framework of the New Crusade for clearing of true, to restore historical validity, position of patrimonial aristocracy and nobility all over the world, and also to return to heir-at-laws ancient thrones and lost regalia within the framework of existing laws and political realities.

The third millennium of terrestrial civilization demands new approaches and the decision of ancient conflicts. Movement on this way will be uneasy. In our forces to make everything that in the uniform, universal and global world did not remain more problems and hatred between the countries, peoples and religions.

We call the international patrimonial aristocracy and nobility, to join the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb and to rise in numbers of peace army of Christians and knights of new millennium!

The text of the Decree No. 22 from 03.2012:



About the announcement of the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb

Will of God and my command, with the purpose of development of idea of monarchic statehood of Russia, in the name of the peace and prosperity of Russia, in the name of celebration of historical validity, world peace, friendship between peoples and religions, clarifications of Christianity from heresy and obscurantism:

1. In day of the Holy Trinity and Pentecost and memory of Equal Apostles Sacred Emperors Constantine Great and Elena, I declare the beginning of the New Crusade for clearing true and Empty Tomb, Christian relics, constructions and the values located in Constantinople – Istanbul and other cities of Turkish Republic.

2. I call world community, the international patrimonial aristocracy and nobility, royal and princely houses, Christian awards and churches, knights and all Christians of the world to join our peace and nonviolent New Crusade.

3. I call authorities of Turkish Republic to show political wisdom and foresight and transfer to Nova Church of Sacred Russia and all Christians of the world Orthodox religious values and the constructions located in Turkish Republic.

4. The Decree inures from the moment of signing.

Grand Prince of All Russia
Pontifex Maximus
Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Grand Kubensky

June 03, 2012
No. 22

Andrew Rublev’s Trinity icon:

Copy of the Decree No. 22 from 03.06.2012:

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